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Disease MARITAL AND SEX PROBLEMS (Consanguinity)

Consanguinity : Doctor, can I marry my cousin?

The incidence of recessive congenital disorders is at least 2 times higher in consanguineous marriages.

E.g. Autosomal recessive: congenital deaf mutism, congenital Heart diseases, Albinism, Fibrocystic disease of Pancreas etc.

X-linked recessive:  Hemophilia, colour blindness, muscular dystrophy etc.


Generally There is no medical objection to consanguineous marriage. The risk of congenital defects is definitely higher, but the chance of producing a normal child is considerable higher, than the chance of producing an affected Child.


But if any of the recessive congenital defects mentioned above, is known to have occurred in the family & close relation, then the risk of the defect occurring in their offsprings is very very high, and these couples should be strongly advised against marriage.


Do not forget however, that Doctor is only a scientific adviser. There are several other social and personal factors involved which are more important, and the ultimate decision to marry a cousin should be left to the couple and their parents.


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